When it comes to church, Jesus, or anything really...

Some of us are comfortable with taking the first step, but in something so life changing as making a decision for Jesus, we are often left wondering "What's next?"

We are here to help you make your next move in growing into the person God designed you to be.

This is your journey. This is what's NEXT.


Following Jesus

“If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9 NLT


The Bible

The Bible can be overwhelming. Where do you start? What should you read first? What if something doesn't make sense? It's important to know what the Bible is before we can hope to digest any of it! The next time you visit THEHEART, be sure to grab one of the free Bibles we have available for you.


Baptism is a key step in the growing and building of our faith. When you choose to be baptized you are making the bold choice of taking a step in faith alongside your friends, family and community to outwardly express the life change you have experienced in Jesus Christ!


Nothing we do at THEHEART would be possible without all of our amazing volunteers that choose to serve a vision that connects people to THEHEART of God.

Just like giving, baptism, and everything else in our relationship with God, serving is a choice. It can help you meet people and change your perspective - all while advancing the message of Jesus in the process!



HEARTBEAT is the perfect event for someone who may be new to THEHEART and wants to get to know more about who we are and what we are doing. Together we will share vision, core values, essential framework, what our community is all about and why we believe that you belong here. We believe this can be a place you call home and we want you to get plugged in! Join us to explore and discover how you can be a part of this community and what God is doing here.


CONNECT Groups are the heart of what we’re doing here at THEHEART! In CONNECT Groups, we dig deeper into the message and scriptures from the previous Sunday, and talk through discussion questions to apply what we are learning to what’s going on in our own lives.


We give because it reminds us that God is our provider, not our money. It also allows us to fund the mission and vision of the local church and spread the message of the Gospel in very effective ways!


Impact your community

Community is one of our core values here at THEHEART, and we believe that it is so important to take the community you live in and make it yours. HC Impact is our group that gets involved and volunteers in our community.


We have resources for you!

We believe everyone has leadership within them and we want to help you activate it. Whether you want to grow as a leader at your job, in your family and relationships, or you want to dig deeper into your faith - we have resources that can help you.

Check out our Connect Center on Sundays to learn more about what we have!