Welcome to heartkids

Every Sunday, we have the pleasure of actively diving into the word of God with our kids through small group discussions, video presentations, music, and creative activities!

We are so blessed to have a dedicated team that strives to provide a safe and fun space for our children to learn about God and develop their ever-growing faith.

Connecting the bridge between church and home is vital. Throughout the week, we partner with parents on keeping what we learned in the classroom alive at home by equipping them with tools and resources they can use with their children.

In fact, our team has created a special page filled with Parent Resources for our HEARTkids ministries. Click the link below to visit this special page!

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Our Environment

Currently, we are serving kids ages 2 to 11 years of age. We use Orange's 252 Kids curriculum which aims to allow us to custom-prepare lessons for every Sunday. We want kids to learn and understand God with connection and community at the center.


Purpose Partners

We are so blessed to have teachers that have servant-hearts lead our classrooms every Sunday. Each teacher has one thing in mind: to connect kids to Jesus. Our passion is to provide a environment where every child feels welcome and comfortable from the moment they arrive. This experience is specifically designed to help children learn about and begin to develop a relationship with Jesus. We ensure all volunteers are promptly background checked and serving in the area that best fits them. We make sure that everyone, from kids to volunteers, has the best hour of their week at HEARTkids.

Meet our Team!

To connect with our team, email: heartkids@theheart.church